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Some products may differ from the online photos, due to supplier availability. This includes but is not limited to brand, size and colour. Where items are unavailable, a suitable replacement may be supplied instead.

You acknowledge, agree and are aware that undertaking Projects/Courses of this nature and working with tools is a potentially hazardous activity. You hereby willingly assume all risks associated with such activity and completion of the Project/Course, including but not limited to, injuries that might arise from the use of the tools and all such risks.
You acknowledge and wish to undertake the Project/Course and accept all risks to person and property in that respect;
Any disclosed existing medical condition or recent medical treatment does not prevent or preclude you from participating in the Project/Course;
You are not aware of any condition or circumstance that would make it dangerous for you to undertake the Project/Course from the point of view of us assessing any risk in permitting you to do so;
You have sought and obtained all necessary medical and other advice that you require to ascertain the extent and effect of any disclosed existing medical condition or recent medical treatment should you participate in the Project/Course.

We permit you to undertake the Project/Course upon the assurance given in the preceding clause and upon you purchasing this product which contains a waiver and release of any rights you may have against us should you suffer any loss or injury whilst engaged in the Project/Course.

In consideration of us permitting you to undertake the you hereby release and discharge us from and against all Claims made against us arising from any loss or damage of whatever nature sustained or incurred by you (including those arising as a result of negligence on the part of us, its servants, agents or contractors) in any way connected with or related to the Project/Course or you undertaking similar activities after completion of the Project/Course and you further indemnify and agrees to keep indemnified us from and against all Claims made against us in that respect.

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